DIY- Baby Burp Towel

We are getting closer and closer to the arrival of our sweet Kennedy girl and I am slowly checking things off our to-do list over these next few weeks! One of the things I had on my list was to make as many burp towels as I possibly could! Honestly baby items are so expensive and I am determined to make as much of it on my own as I can! These burp towels are one of the easiest things to make for your baby and not to mention- 10x cuter than any you will find in a store!
The items you are going to need are:
-Sewing Machine (+ needle and thread)
-Flannel Fabric of choice
-Scissors or a Rotary Cutter
-Cutting Mat (or any safe surface to cut fabric on)
The first step is to measure out your flannel fabric and cut. I have found that a good size burp rag seems to be approx 15" X 6.5" so I like to cut my fabric about 17" X 8.5" that way I have a few inches on either side because when you sew it inside out and flip it, you are going to loose a little bit of space.

After you cut the flannel, lay the fabric pattern side down onto your towel fabric. Go around and use your pins to attach the fabrics to one another. Use your Rotary Cuter and cut out the towel fabric.

Once you cut out all your fabric, the sides that you want showing at the end should be facing each other. You are going to do a straight stitch around all four sides. Be sure to leave one corner open so you can pull your burp rag right side out.

This is what it should look like once you flip it right-side out with one corner open. To close this, fold the fabric together and sew shut. I like to use a zig-zag stitch (#3) all the way around the outside to give it a nice border.

This is the finished product and a few pictures of some I've made with other fabric! I love making items for my little ones (when time allows!) What are some of your favorite sewing projects?!

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